Host Profile for National Immigrants Day: Meet Meenakshi

In honor of National Immigrants Day - celebrated each year on October 28 - we’re proud to celebrate the fact that many of our hosts are not originally from the United States, but have come here from other parts of the world themselves. For this month’s host profile, we’re thrilled to feature Meenakshi and her family, who started volunteering as hosts just last year!

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CommunityGuest UserHomestay
Remembering Martha Onishi

For over thirty years, Martha Onishi was a fixture in the FIUTS community. From hosting countless students, to volunteering at Wednesday Lunch, to cooking treats for the FIUTS staff, Martha and Kenji Onishi represented the living embodiment of the FIUTS mission in action.

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Guest User Comment
FIUTS Community Hosted Dinner

Thirty hosts opened up their hearts on September 24th, 2021 to host a dinner for over 130 students. This was the ultimate warm welcome to incoming international students for the Fall quarter and resuming of in-person classes. We are so grateful to all the participants, both hosts, and students, for taking part in this new program in place of our yearly BBQ. Read more about their impact!

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Guest User
Vaccine Information Access for students from China

We have received a large number of emails from our Chinese students asking for help with finding and accessing their vaccination records from their home country. In response to these inquiries, we're providing this blog post to show steps on how to access vaccine information using two popular apps in China.

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Guest User
Seattle Challenge Fall 2021

SEATTLE CHALLENGE WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT: The FIUTS Seattle Challenge is an opportunity for international students to meet new people and explore different neighborhoods in and near the downtown area of Seattle. We had over 150 students register for this exciting day and they explored 20 individual locations all over Seattle. Unique treasures to Seattlites such as the Seattle Art Museum, Gum Wall, the first Starbucks, Panama Hotel, the Fremont Troll, the Elliott Bay Book Company, and more were highlights of this adventurous day.

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Guest User
Meet Hyerim, Hilary, and Jason!

FIUTS is excited to welcome three new program coordinators to our full-time staff! The new Students Programs Coordinator, Hyerim Park, the new Outreach & Community Engagement Program Coordinator, Hilary Zuniga Camacho, and the new Education Program Coordinator, Jason Evans will play a critical role in creating impactful and transformative programs for students at the University of Washington and beyond.

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FIUTS Front Desk
Summer Opportunities with FIUTS

There are plenty of opportunities for recent grads, current students, hosts, and others to continue to build cross-cultural understanding in the coming months. Here are a few ways to stay engaged with FIUTS this summer!

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Guest User
Virtual Global Gala 2021: Looking Back

Though we weren’t able to dance together in person this year, planning and attending the virtual Global Gala was a great experience for many students. Read what the two co-chairs of the Global Gala planning committee, Nghi and Thena, had to say about what it was like to plan and attend this virtual event!

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Guest User