On the Move in Seattle

For the past week and a half, students from various countries in the Caribbean were in Seattle for a program coordinated by FIUTS, in a contract with World Learning, called Youth Ambassador Program. We will be posting the students' reflection and experiences over the next week. Here's a post by Amani, an ambassador from Suriname…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Giving Back in Seattle

For the past week and a half, students from various countries in the Caribbean were in Seattle for a program coordinated by FIUTS, in a contract with World Learning, called Youth Ambassador Program. We will be posting the students' reflection and experiences over the next week. Here's a post by Adrian, an ambassador from Trinidad…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Embrace the Awkward

For the past week and a half, students from various countries in the Caribbean were in Seattle for a program coordinated by FIUTS, in a contract with World Learning, called Youth Ambassador Program. We will be posting the students' reflection and experiences over the next week. Here's a post by Sefanja, a student from Suriname…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Facilitator Corner: Hassan Almuzaini

FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Hassan and join us today! …

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FIUTS Front Desk
Welcome, Fatih and Sara!

FIUTS is very excited to have two new friendly faces at the front desk, returning mails, answering phone calls, researching, working on events and activities, and greeting walk-ins. Fatih and Sara are our work-studies for the summer and you will see them around! Here they are, introducing themselves to our community…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Homestay Interview: Guangzhou, China

In addition to English classes in the morning and activities around Seattle in the afternoon, our two-week Seattle Summer English Program also placed 22 high school students from Guangzhou, China in host families in and around Seattle for a weekend of cultural exchange. For many of our students, the homestay was a highlight of the program…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Welcome, Amy!

Amy Bergstrom joined FIUTS last week as our new Manager of Student Programs and we’re so glad to welcome her to our office! She will be working on international student orientation, student program development, events and activities, and many others! Here’s Amy, introducing herself to the FIUTS community…

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FIUTS Front Desk
FIUTS: Camping Without Fire

By FIUTS Facilitator Noel H. Kimber: “Camping outdoor? Why would anyone leave the comfort of his or her own home and spend a night in a tent, cooking with limited resources and stay disconnected to the internet?” One might ask. Camping trip may not make any sense in terms of productivity, but there is a mysterious force that calls smooth handed city dwellers out to the nature once in a while. FIUTS students decided to find out what it is…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Thank you, Brianna

Brianna Mercker has been the Manager of Student Programs at FIUTS since 2011, and has made a huge impact on so many students and members of the UW campus community! During her time here, she managed 15 International Student Orientations for thousands of students, advised the CulturalFest performance committee to produce shows that got better and better each year, represented FIUTS across campus and beyond, oversaw student leadership programming, and was a trusted friend and mentor to many members of the FIUTS family…

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Guest User
Welcome, Bea

Bea Chang joined FIUTS last week as our new Manager of Community Programs and we’re so glad to welcome her to our office! She will be working with our hosts, homestay programs, communications, Wednesday lunches, and lots more—all of the wonderfully large shoes left behind by Ellen Frierson, who is moving into her new role as our Manager of Education Programs…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Spring 2015 Photo Contest: There's No Place Like Home

The quarterly FIUTS Photo Contest is an opportunity for members of the FIUTS community to share images from around the world. The theme for this quarter was "There's No Place Like Home" and we received photos from all over the world of places that remind members of our community of what home means to them. We also had two ties for second place and for third place - so this quarter, everyone's a winner! …

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Facilitator Corner: Isabella Ning

FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Isabella! …

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Guest User
Exploring Local Careers with World to Work

By Isabella Ning, FIUTS Facilitator: May 11-15 was FIUTS World to Work Week. There were a variety of activities hosted by FIUTS for students to explore our interested career fields and help students get prepared building up networks. Two of my events were the trips to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center…

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Guest User
Alumni Impact: Hope for Children in Nepal

Anuja Khadka, who participated in the Study of the U.S. Institute for Student Leaders in Journalism and New Media with FIUTS last summer, shared this blog post about her work to help children in Nepal continue their education in the aftermath of the earthquake. (You can read an earlier post from Anuja about her experience during and immediately following the earthquake here.) …

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