3 Urban Hikes to Explore in Seattle

The Pacific Northwest is known for its world-class hiking. Between two mountain ranges, the Pacific coast, and our many inland bodies of water, the scenery is hard to beat. But lucky for us, we don’t even have to leave the city in order to have an excellent hiking experience…

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Guest Userexplore seattle
2020-2021 Student Staff

With autumn quarter beginning at UW at the end of September, FIUTS would like to announce our work study team for the 2020-2021 academic year! Diverse in background, field of study, and work experience, Kailey Ulland, Wintana Dawit, Josef Cole, and Mariama Sibide each bring unique talent to our team! Continue on to meet this year’s student staff…

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StaffGuest Usernew staff
Photo Contest: Who Has Inspired You?

The FIUTS Photo Contest is a weekly opportunity for members of the FIUTS community to share images from around the world. The theme for this week was: "Who has inspired you?” We are excited to announce that we’ve selected all entires as contest winners! Thank you to everyone for sharing your pictures - continue on to see this week’s entries…

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Guest UserPhoto Contest
National Wildlife Day

Twice a year on February 22 and September 4, National Wildlife Day is commemorated to bring awareness to endangered animals both nationally and globally. More broadly, the day is meant to educate the public, especially the world’s youth youth, on the importance of conversation. Today, to support and bring awareness to these endeavors, FIUTS is excited to share the wildlife photography of Cameron Ho, FIUTS Facilitator and UW senior majoring in Environmental Science & Resource Management: Wildlife Conservation…

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Photo Contest: Dogs

The FIUTS Photo Contest is a weekly opportunity for members of the FIUTS community to share images from around the world. The theme for this week was "dogs.” Since last Friday, we received photos of eight happy dogs by photographers from Australia, Taiwan, Colombia, China, and the United States…

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Shreyas & Mason: A FIUTS Friendship Connection

The FIUTS Friendship Connection Program matches a student with a local member of the Seattle-area community. While the Program does not include a homestay, a Friendship Connection host will help their student get to know Seattle and have the opportunity to meet in-person for occasional hospitality when it’s safe to do so…

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Era Schrepfer