Winter 2023 SUSI On Civic Engagement: Week 2 Recap
The Study of the US Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Civic Engagement includes 20 undergraduates from Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
It is the end of Week 2 of the Winter 2023 SUSI on Civic Engagement Program. Take a look at the photo recap to see what the SUSIs were up to during their first week in Seattle!
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Winter 2023 SUSI On Civic Engagement: Week 1 Recap
The Study of the US Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Civic Engagement includes 20 undergraduates from Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
It is the end of Week 1 of the Winter 2023 SUSI on Civic Engagement Program. Take a look at the photo recap to see what the SUSIs were up to during their first week in Seattle!
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Media Literacy and Leadership Institute with Mali: Project Recap (Part 2)
From February-May 2022, FIUTS hosted a completely virtual program titled Media Literacy and Leadership Institute (MLLI) with the U.S. Embassy in Bamako, Mali. Keep reading to learn more about some of the participants and the projects that they implemented!
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Meet the 2023 SUSI on Civic Engagement Participants: Part 2!
The Study of the US Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Civic Engagement includes 20 undergraduates from Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, with funding provided by the U.S. Government, administered by Meridian International Center and FIUTS. The 2023 program will run from January 10-February 10 in Seattle and from February 11-15 in D.C. Get to know some of our SUSI participants below!
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Meet the 2023 SUSI on Civic Engagement Participants: Part 1!
The Study of the US Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Civic Engagement includes 20 undergraduates from Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, with funding provided by the U.S. Government, administered by Meridian International Center and FIUTS. The 2023 program will run from January 10-February 10 in Seattle and from February 11-15 in D.C. Get to know some of our SUSI participants below!
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Crossing Cultures! | FIUTS’ Annual Holiday Book List
FIUTS is gratified to announce that Bookshop continues to support our world through its own mission of sustaining independent bookstores online. That means any purchase you make through the site using one of our links supports us, aids local bookstores, and a little joy to the life of your favorite multicultural bookworm! Browse our Bookshop for FIUTS staff recommendations that might speak to you or other international minds!
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Media Literacy and Leadership Institute with Mali: Project Recap (Part 1)
From February-May 2022, FIUTS hosted a completely virtual program titled Media Literacy and Leadership Institute (MLLI) with the U.S. Embassy in Bamako, Mali. Keep reading to learn more about some of the participants and the projects that they implemented!
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FIUTS Scholarship Opportunity: 2023 Betty and Hiro Ogawa Award
The Ogawa Award grants one flexible scholarship each year to a University of Washington graduate or undergraduate student from any country in recognition of their work to promote cross-cultural understanding between Japan and the United States through their involvement in FIUTS programs. The selected recipient will be notified on February 15, and the award will be presented on the stage at Benaroya Hall during FIUTS CulturalFest on February 25, 2023. Applications are now open for this year’s Betty and Hiro Ogawa Award.
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Staff Feature: Ellen Frierson
If you’ve been around the FIUTS office in the last 10 years, you’ve definitely had the pleasure of meeting Ellen! Ellen is the Director of Education and Outreach at FIUTS, and is responsible for the success of dozens of FIUTS Visiting Programs. She can always be counted on to share some wisdom or a funny joke during meetings. After over a decade on staff, today is Ellen’s last day at FIUTS. All of us here at FIUTS are so lucky to have had her as our coworker! Keep reading to get to know Ellen and her FIUTS story.
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Staff Feature: Jason Evans!
You might have seen our recent posts about visiting programs and SUSI participants, both huge parts of what FIUTS does throughout the year. One of the people responsible for the success of visiting programs is FIUTS staff member Jason Evans. If you’ve visited the FIUTS office, you know that Jason is always willing to lend a helping hand or brighten the office with his infectious laughter. Keep reading to get to know Jason and his FIUTS story!
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Alumni Impact: Another Update from Mariana & Mariana!
During their virtual SUSI program last year, Mariana Lemes Diamanto and Mariana Manso created an organization called United Women in Health, with the goal of promoting female leadership and public education in the healthcare field. Between 2021 and 2022, they organized two online events, both of which are already featured on the FIUTS blog! One event focused on female leadership and the other about studying overseas. During the second semester of 2022, United Women in Health wanted to organize a 3rd event focusing on public health, as it is a very sensitive topic in Brazil.
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SUSI on Education and the Future of Work Photo Recap!!
FIUTS had the privilege of hosting the Study of the US Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Education and the Future of Work. During the program, students studied the ways in which technology, innovation, and globalization are prompting the development of new initiatives to educate and prepare youth with the professional skills needed to succeed in the future. They participated in academic classes, volunteer and service activities, leadership workshops, and cultural and educational excursions. Students from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Russia, and Tunisia visited Seattle from November 1-10. Take a look at the photo recap to follow along on their journey!
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SUSI on Civic Engagement Photo Recap!
The Study of the US Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Civic Engagement included 20 undergraduates from Angola, Botswana, Mali, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. They visited Seattle from October 10th-20th and discussed themes such as civil rights, grassroots student activism, volunteerism, political leadership, citizen advocacy, and minority political engagement to prepare them to develop and lead projects that would benefit their home communities. Take a look at this photo recap of their program!
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Meet Our Work Study Students!
If you’ve visited the FIUTS office, you’ve probably had the pleasure of meeting one or both of our work study students. Both Nila and Sharon help FIUTS staff with day-to-day operations and are integral to FIUTS’ success on and off-campus.
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October Events Recap
Pumpkin carvings, costume contests, and tractor rides are all fall staples here in Washington. Students and staff at FIUTS had a blast celebrating fall and Halloween during the month of October. Check out their adventures via photo slideshow and visit the November Events Calendar if you’d like to join us for November celebrations!
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American Leadership Experience with Cameroon and Pakistan: A Photo Journey
From September 17-25, FIUTS was honored to welcome a group of students and their adult mentor from Cameroon and Pakistan as part of the American Leadership Experience (ALEX) in partnership with American Councils for International Education. Take a look at what these students experienced through this photo journey documenting their time here.
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FIUTS at a Glance for 2021-2022
As we approach our goal for the Big Moves Campaign, we want to share the impactful work all of you have made possible in the last year and the type of powerful work you are helping fund this coming year. A big thank you to all of our supporters and donors thus far! Please donate today, if you haven’t already, and help contribute to cross-cultural understanding and building global communities. Continue reading to see all the work FIUTS has done in 2021-2022 and how you can help it continue!
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"This I Believe Speeches" SUSI Summer 2022 Participants
This I Believe was originally a radio program hosted by journalist Edward R. Murrow. The show brought listeners together during the uncertain times of the 1950s. This inspiring phenomenon later became a wide-known practice of creating essays titled “I Believe in ___” being no more than 500-600 words to continue the sharing of impactful stories and beliefs.
Continue reading to learn from Emmanuel Ezekiel (Nigeria), Larissa Neves Da Paz (Brazil), and Asmiati (Indonesia) on little acts of kindness, sand dunes, and hard work leading to success.
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Meet the 2022 Youth Entrepreneurs from Latvia!
From August 9-16, 2022, FIUTS is thrilled to welcome students from Latvia as part of our Youth Entrepreneurship Program! During their week with FIUTS in Seattle, they’ll participate in workshops, site visits, and volunteer service activities focused on entrepreneurship and social impact work. Read on to learn more about this amazing group of young people!
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August 2022: E-Intercom
Did you miss a chance to look at our August 2022 E-Intercom? The FIUTS E-Intercom is a monthly newsletter sent out to subscribers at the beginning of the month with upcoming events, important FIUTS updates, calls to action, and more! Want to stay updated on what’s happening at FIUTS? Subscribe here under our “Sign up for our E-Newsletter” and be one of the first to see upcoming news!
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